

'Ginger & Rosa' (2012)


Ginger and Rosa are two teenagers living in the London of the 1960s and growing up with the fear of  the thread of a nuclear war happening, with the uncertainty of what's going to happen in the world and if it all is gonna vanish in one second. While one confronts this terror with poetry and protest, the other one just seizes life to the most in case there's not gonna be a tomorrow, and this difference might affect the friendship they have ever since they were born.

This is a beautiful film, simple but with a lot of depth and the portray of that constant nuclear fear was presented perfectly. The beginning kinda reminded me to 'Heavenly Creatures' (1994), of that female bond that the girls have, experiencing things together, growing up, being inseparable. Elle Fanning carries the whole movie proving once again that she's not just a mere child, now teenager, actress and that she's got a lot more to show, and Alice Englert (who can be seen now in 'Beautiful Creatures') is also a nice surprise. The cast also includes Christina Hendricks, Annette Bening, Alessandro Nivola, Timothy Spall and Oliver Platt, all of them fantastic in their own way but the girls are the stars of the movie. Also, the photography is really beautiful, tons of mesmerizing images of landscapes and pretty images presented, which shows that there's a lot to loose if that nuclear attack happened. I really liked that of the movie so behind the cut there are a few stills that don't include any type of spoilers, so take a beautiful look:

I prefer the world not to end. Wouldn't you?
Probably. If I find true love.
You know, the kind that lasts forever.
There's a sort of poetry in small spaces.
 Confinement can be utterly beautiful, but only if it's by choice.
Despite the horror and the sorrow, I love our world.
I want us all to live.
What really matters is to live and if we live, 
there will be nothing to forgive.
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1 comment:

  1. Tinc moltes ganes de veure-la des que vaig veure el trailer... a més de per veure l'Elle Fanning ♥ perquè la Christina Hendricks i el Nivola també m'agraden molt, i tampoc és que facen moltes pelis i sempre m'agrada veure-los. La de "Heavenly Creatures" la tinc molt pendent, però les fotos que són molt xules, i la història de dues amigues em recorda molt a "Me Without You" de la Michelle Williams, no sé si l'has vist, però també hi ha una d'elles més intelectual i l'altra més libertine, i és una passada perquè transcorre entre els 70 i 90, no sé és molt xula.

    un petó!
