

Things that mattered in 2011:

Mary Katrantzou & Christopher Kane

What else can i say about Mary Katrantzou or her work of art? Katrantzou love all the way.

And how fantastic are Christopher Kane's designs with lots of stars and space images? A really beautiful and innovative, to die for collection


Drive - It amazed ever since the opening credits start with 80s music and aesthetics, this film it's not on every year's best movie list because of nothing, my favourite from the year and the soundtrack is also pretty amazing.

Melancholia - Or a future requiem to the earth, splendid, brilliant, terryifing, bow down.

Les Petits Mouchoirs - Impossible not to feel related or see yourself and your friends in this movie, in one way or another. Beautiful and natural movie, Guillaume Canet must be the perfect man.

The Tree of Life - Watching it it's a total experience and not only because it's very long, but also because you witness the beauty and dark of life and human nature, a long process that concludes with the most beautiful and touching ending revealing what really matters in life.

Bridesmaids - Best comedy of this and previous years, so relatable and cheeky, and with such a great female cast, quality comedies like this are needed.

TV shows
The best TV show this year has to be 'Game of Thrones', it's so amazing and thrilling, Winter is coming and we are all waiting for it.
Other new good ones: 'New Girl', '2 Broke Girls' & 'Awkward'.


M83 'Midnight City' (Christian Strobe remix)

Lylle Li 'I Follow Rivers'

The Kills 'Future Stars Slow'

Housse de Racket 'Chateau'

Azealia Banks '212'

Rihanna 'We Found Love'

I feel so sorry for all those living outside Spain and not being able to watch 'Alaska y Mario', a reality show about one of Spain's most famous and influential artists, Alaska, and her "business man" boyfriend on their journey to get married. Welcome to the freak show:

Tons of breaking up and weird couples going on, Scarlett dating Sean Penn (WTF) but luckily spliting up, my husband Benicio had a baby with Kimbo Stewart and not me, Jen Aniston finally got a boyfriend, indie couple Zooey Deschanel and 'Death Cab for Cutie' singer Ben Gibbard divorcing, Britney is not on suicide watch anymore, Lilo ended up in jail again but not for enough time, '2 Broke Girls'' couple Kat Dennings and Nick Zano getting together (fuck yeah), Paris Hilton got more irrelevant this year...

New hotties
Jason Momoa
Ryan Gosling
& Nick Zano

Jason Momoa is literally the hottest thing on Earth, who hasn't watched 'Game of Thrones' and hasn't fallen for him after hearing him call "Moon of my life" to his khaleesi? <333

I didn't get the Ryan Gosling appeal, i mean guy is not bad-looking but after watching 'Drive' i surrender, he's such a cutie there, any more reasons to watch this movie?

Nick Zano is the hipster hottie of '2 Broke Girls' and what's better than a hipster hottie? that's not even real in my world so i hope there's more of him in the show.

New girls
Elle Fanning &
Elizabeth Olsen

What's left to say about Elle Fanning that i haven't said before? Girl is flawless, she's a girl her age and a good kid, has a really cool fashion style and lots of talent, so there's lot to come from this girl.

Elizabeth Olsen is the other Olsen sister, i've only seen her in the really strange but good movie 'Matha Marcy May Marlene', she was amazing and the next best thing in Hollywood. You've been warned.

Jessica Chastain, because she gave a delicate and amazing perdormance in 'The Tree of Life' and she was so charming and joyful in 'The Help' that you know she's already a star in the making.


  1. Love this post! :) Genial compilació de coses de l'any dear Mar ;) M'ha encantat la part de les cançons, en especial per que has posat Château (L), Midnight City y I Follow Rivers. La dels Kills també em va agradar molt, molt bona. Totalment d'acord amb la serie, i de les pelis encara he de veure Drive, i les altres menys Melancholia (que saps que em va encantar) tampoc les he vist, apuntades queden. Els dresses del Kane m'encanten, són una passada, jo en vull un!

    I d'acord amb Jason, i Ryan tinc predilecció per ell des de fa anys... des que el vaig veure a Half Nelson, la seua actuació, les seues mirades, em vam enamorar, no per el físic, sinò per la seua personalitat... crec que té molta personalitat.

    I Elle Fanning és adorable, i Elizabeth Olsen no ha vist encara la peli que ha fet, he de vore-la!

    un petonet.

  2. Ja he vist Drive :D la vaig veure anit i em va agradar molt. Tot el món parla de la banda sonora, però a mi el que més em va impactar van ser les imatges, l'ús de la llum i les sombres, els colors... crec que està genial. Gosling com sempre meravellosament bé, i Carey només l'havia vist a Pride & Prejudice, i no ha mal la xica.

    Ah i com sé que t'agrada la Zooey no sé si has vist "Our Idiot Brother" la vaig veure l'altre dia, surt ella, i el prota és el Paul Rudd i la veritat és que està bé per passar una estona, és molt divertida :)
